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Warning: Parameter 2 to gdlr_core_page_builder::search_page_builder() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/zimplats/public_html/v2/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 303 Contact – Zimplats
1st and 2nd Floors Elizabeth House Les Ruettes Brayes St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 1EW Channel Islands Tel: +44 1481 700300 Fax: +44 1481 738917 Send us an email
Other Offices
Suite 702, 275 Alfred Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia Tel: +61 2 9051 1632
Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Private) Limited
1st Floor South Block Borrowdale Office Park Borrowdale Road Harare, Zimbabwe P.O. Box 6380 Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 242 886 878-85/87 Tel: +263772565244-6 Fax: +263 242 886 876/7 Send us an email