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Management Executive Committee – Zimplats
Head Office
Head Office
Selous Metallurgical
+263 242 886 878-85 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 P O Box 6380, Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 628 44 667-9 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 P O Box 61, Selous, Zimbabwe
263 628 44 888-9 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 P O Box 61 Selous, Zimbabwe
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
News Alerts Subscription

Management Executive Committee

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Alexander Mhembere

Chief Executive Officer

Alex joined the Group as chief executive officer on 1 October 2007, having formerly been the managing director of a Zimbabwean PGMs producer. He is the chairman of the operating subsidiary, Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Private) Limited.

stanley segula

Stanley Segula

Managing Director
BSc (Mining Eng) (Hons) (UZ), MBA, MMCZ

Stanley joined the Group on 1 April 2008 and was appointed chief operating officer of the operating subsidiary in March 2011 and then managing director of the operating subsidiary in November 2015. He is the chairman of the operating subsidiary’s operations committee. He was appointed to the board of the operating subsidiary in February 2013.

Stewart Magaso Mangoma

Strategy and Business Development Director
BCompt (Hons) UNISA, CA (Z)

Stewart joined the Group on 1 March 2013 as chief finance officer. Stewart was appointed strategy and business development director in September 2019.

takawira maswiswi

Takawira Maswiswi

Human Resources Director
MSc (Tourism and Hospitality), MIPM

Takawira joined the Group on 1 February 2012 as general manager – human resources of the operating subsidiary. He was appointed human resources director and to the board of the operating subsidiary on 1 March 2017. He is the chairman of the operating subsidiary’s people committee.

amend chiduma

Amend Chiduma

Technical Director
BSc (Electrical Eng) (Hons), Mine Engineer’s Diploma, General Management Diploma

Amend joined the Group on 1 November 2008 and was appointed general manager – engineering of the operating subsidiary in 2013. He assumed responsibility for all engineering and projects activities for the operating subsidiary in May 2015. He is the chairman of the operating subsidiary’s technical committee.

sbusisiwe chindove

Sibusisiwe Chindove

Head of Corporate Affairs
B. Admin Hons (UZ), MSc (Cork)

Sibusisiwe joined the Group on 1 November 2008 as the operating subsidiary’s head of corporate affairs.

Lysias Chiwozva

Lysias Chiwozva

General Manager: Strategy, Risk and Compliance B. Eng (Hons) Industrial Engineering (NUST), MBA (UZ), MIRM (UK), Msc Risk Management [DeMontfort University, Leicester Business School (UK)]

Lysias joined the Group on 1 September 2012 as the operating subsidiary’s risk and strategy manager. He was appointed  General Manager – Strategy, Risk and Compliance in January 2021.


Louis Mabiza

Senior General Manager - Processing
BSc Metallurgical Engineering (Honours) (UZ), MBL (UNISA), PBL (UNISA), IEDP (WITS), MSAIMM

Louis joined the Group on 1 September 2001. He was appointed  General Manager – Processing of the operating subsidiary in March 2011 and then Senior General Manager – Processing in April 2017.

simbarashe goto

Simbarashe Goto

Senior General Manager - Mining
National Diploma in Mining

Simbarashe joined the Group on 1 November 2008. He was appointed General Manager – Mining of the operating subsidiary in March 2011 and then Senior General Manager – Mining in April 2017.

Patricia Zvandasara

Chief Finance Officer
(FCA (Z), CA (SA), Masters in Leadership (Innovation and Change) (MALIC) (York St John University))

Patricia joined the Group on 1 November 2019 as chief finance officer. She is the chairperson of the operating subsidiary’s finance committee, procurement committee and information and communication technology steering committee and she is a member of the operating subsidiary’s capital steering committee and projects steering committee.

charles mugwambi

Charles Mugwambi

General Manager - Commercial

Charles joined the Group on 1 April 2008 as General Manager – Treasury and Corporate Finance. He was then appointed General Manager Commercial.

Chipe Chengetai Sachikonye

Chipo Chengetai Sachikonye

Legal Counsel and Company Secretary
LLB (Hons) University of Cape Town, South Africa, LLM (in Commercial Law), University of Cape Town, South Africa, Master of Law and Business (MLB) Bucerius Law School & WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Hamburg & Vallendar, Germany

Chipo is a registered legal practitioner with the Law Society of Zimbabwe and is a former Partner of a Band 1 rated Chambers and Partners Commercial Law Firm, where she worked in the Commercial and Financial Services Cluster for 10 years, rendering legal and advisory services to local and international clients.

Chipo joined the Group on 1 February 2020 as Legal Counsel and Company Secretary.