The Zimplats safety is anchored on the three broad pillars of behaviour (people), practices (system) and physical environment (technological) interventions of our safety strategic plan. We continue to pursue our ultimate goal, to produce sustainably in a zero harm environment.
The Group believes that total wellness is essential in order for our people to enjoy a healthy life and to be meaningfully productive at work. The Group therefore seeks to reinforce the Group’s wellness programmes in order to enhance employee total wellbeing and productivity in line with goal number three of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
National Social Security Authority (NSSA) National Safety Awards
Zimplats Operations attained the top three positions in the 2018 National Safety Awards
National Awards
Provincial Awards
Manufacturing Sector
Mining Sector
National Mine Rescue Competitions
Processing Mine Rescue team – 1st runner up
First Aid National Competitions
Ngwarati surface – 1st runner up Surface Category
Ngwarati underground – 1st runner up Underground Category
Chamber of Mines SHE Audit
Seven Zimplats operations teams attained A+ status and one attained A status during the 2018 Zimbabwe Chamber of Mines audits.
Fatality Free Shifts
Zimplats attained 10.2 million fatality free shifts during the year, prior to the recorded fatality
Annual DQS Audits
Zimplats successfully retained its Occupational Safety and Health Management System ISO 45001:2018 certification following an audit during the year.
Mine Rescue National Competition
National Fire Competitions
NSSA National Awards
Zimplats received the overall national prize and most of the sector and provincial awards in the 2017 edition of the NSSA National Safety Awards
National Awards
Mining Sector
Manufacturing Sector
Provincial Awards
National First Aid Competitions
Rukodzi Mine underground team won the second prize in the underground category of the National competition
Institute of People Management Zimbabwe (IPMZ) Human Resources Excellence Awards
Zimplats won the 2017 National Safety and Health Award
Marketing Association of Zimbabwe
Zimplats won three awards for the communication campaign on albinism
Mine rescue competitions
National First Aid Competitions
Association Of Mine Managers Of Zimbabwe (AMMZ) Audits
Mines category final results:
There were 2 cases of NIHL recorded in the year under review. Awareness talks on hearing conservation were offered to all employees and contractors who come for pre-employment, annual, periodic, and pre-placement examinations. Continuous improvement in engineering and other controls is constantly being pursued to mitigate against the risks of NIHL.
Monitoring of employees and contractors exposed to lead continued with a total of 92 employees and contractors
being tested this year. No cases of abnormal lead levels were identified during the year.
Screening of employees for fitness to work continuedthroughout the year. There was also constant engagement with National Social Security Authority (NSSA) MedicalBureau for timeous processing and issuance of certificates of fitness.
Screening of suspected cases and contacts was carried out during the year. Identified cases were reported to the Ministry of Health and Child Care and commenced on treatment per the Ministry’s guidelines. Reports were simultaneously made to the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) for compensation purposes and statistics. Contact tracing includes employees in the same work team as the index case.
Mhondoro-Ngezi District remains in pre malaria elimination phase. Zimplats complements the Ministry of Health and Child Care’s efforts in the eradication of malaria by conducting annual indoor residual spraying of all company houses and villages. Out of the 153 suspected cases, 5 tested positive for malaria and these were all imported cases.
The Zimplats medical services department has engaged the services of Zimbabwe Aids Prevention and Support
Organisation (ZAPSO) to carry out VCT. The number of clients who underwent VCT in FY2017 went up by 55% after engaging the new business partner.
A new Zimplats Wellness Policy was crafted to reflect the Group’s evolved thrust which now focuses on total
wellness as opposed to merely focusing on HIV/Aids. The wellness policy seeks to enhance and protect the health
and wellbeing of all employees, their families and the surrounding communities, addressing occupational, noncommunicable diseases and the work environment. Two hundred wellness champions were re-trained to align them
to the requirements of the new wellness policy.
In line with the national thrust towards housing the Group remains committed to ensuring that all employees live in decent accommodation. Due to funding challenges, the Group’s housing delivery programme was slower than desired. Low cost housing solutions have been pursued and it is anticipated that housing delivery under the home ownership scheme will recommence in the short to medium term.